MSX was a standard for 8-bit home computers, which were successful in the Asian region. But also in Europe MSX found many fans. The operating system was a BASIC from Micosoft.
The goal of the standard was - despite different manufacturers - to form a common hardware and software base.
There were several further developments of the standard:
- MSX 1 (1983) based on Z80 - manufacturers: Spectravideo, Philips, Sony, Sanyo, Mitsubishi, Toshiba, Hitachi, Matsushita Denki Sangyō, Canon, Casio, Pioneer, General, Yamaha, Yashica-Kyocera (Japan), GoldStar, Yeno (South Korea), Daewoo, Gradiente (Brazil), Panasonic, Sharp/Epcom
- MSX 2 (1986) based on Z80 - manufacturers: Philips, Sony, Sanyo, Mitsubishi, JVC, National, Panasonic, Canon, Yamaha, Daewoo
- MSX 2+ (1988) based on Z80 - manufacturer: Sony, Sanyo, Panasonic
- MSX turbo R (1990) based on Z800 - manufacturer: Panasonic